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mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one synced 2024-09-19 20:02:10 +00:00
Rohan Kumar 6dbf6fa91c
Update build docs in README, remove obsolete bits
The site design standards page on my website obsoletes some README docs.
Remove the obsolete bits and update the build docs to the point at which
anybody should be able to rebuild my site.
2023-11-14 23:25:00 -08:00

69 lines
4.9 KiB

# seirdy.one
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Code for my personal website, [seirdy.one](https://seirdy.one). Built with Hugo.
Also builds my Gemini capsule: <gemini://seirdy.one/>.
I document [my site design standards](https://seirdy.one/meta/site-design/) on my website.
## Dependencies
### Build-time dependencies
- Hugo. I usually use the most recent version of Hugo at the time of publishing, but it _should_ work with any version of Hugo v0.116.0 or later (v0.116.0 had an improvement to `where` that I might use).
- bmake or GNU Make. OpenBSD make (omake) should work too, but I haven't tested it.
- Git (Hugo uses Git info for features like date last updated)
- curl, for fetching some webring code and all my webmentions. **this requires authentication.** When running locally, it invokes `pash`, my password manager; when running in CI, it reads a file for a secret. You may have to modify `scripts/get-webmentions.sh` to avoid this.
- POSIX utilities: `grep`, `find`, `sed`, POSIX-compliant `/bin/sh`, etc. Tested to work with Busybox and GNU Coreutils.
Before deploying, I use some tools for post-processing:
- `xmllint`, part of libxml2, to format the generated polygot XHTML5 markup.
- a [patched version of html-tidy](https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/tidy-html5)
- More POSIX utilities.
I also apply static compression at max levels, using the following tools:
- [Efficient Compression Tool](https://github.com/fhanau/Efficient-Compression-Tool) It's like zopfli but more efficient and faster. If you don't have it installed, it should be trivial to edit `scripts/compress.sh` to replace `ect` with `gzip` or `zopfli`.
- Brotli
I package all build-time dependencies _except_ curl as statically-linked binaries in a tarball, available at <https://seirdy.one/pb/binaries.tar.gz>.
### Other dependencies
To deploy, I use rsync with SSH and zstd support.
Further tasks also use additional command-line utilities such as `sd`, `htmlq`, and a version of `xargs` that supports the `-P` flag (nearly all versions of `xargs` do, but it's not POSIX). I run all npm packages using `pnpm -s dlx` (similar to `npx`).
To lint:
- Stylelint
- [html-validate](https://html-validate.org/)
- A very recent build of the W3C's [Nu HTML checker](https://github.com/validator/validator) to validate the HTML and XHTML, available on your `$PATH` as `vnu`. I have a very simple shell-script wrapper for this that invokes `java -jar`.
- [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), to filter false-positives from the Nu HTML checker and to verify that JSON files parse.
- [HTMLProofer](https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer), version 5 or later. Requires Ruby.
More in-depth local tests:
- Axe-Core, using the CLI and a headless browser (Firefox or Chromium).
- IBM Equal Access Checker, using the CLI and a headless Chromium. Runs on a patched version of the site with a modified stylesheet due to a bug (reported upstream).
Remote tests:
- Lighthouse
- WebHint (might not pass; only informative)
- Feed validator (requires Python)
## Build instructions
- To just build the HTML: `make hugo`
- To build the polygot formatted HTML and XHTML: `make hugo xhtmlize`
- To lint and validate: `make hugo xhtmlize lint-local`
- To build everything and compress: `make hugo xhtmlize compress copy-to-xhtml`
- To deploy the clearnet site and corresponding Tor hidden service: `make deploy-prod deploy-onion`.
`lint-local` and deployment tasks support limited parallelization with `-j`.