- Drop copyright symbol: I put it there because certain programs
explicitly look for it, but between rel=license, schema.org microdata,
and creative commons RDFa, I think scrapers should be covered.
- Update the theme-color and friends to work with my site's updated dark
Explicitly mark RSS feeds as "legacy" because I have joined the A-Town
Atom gang and they have a strict full-time attendance policy.
Thanks Forever for pointing out the spelling/grammar error here.
- Re-order rel for my homepage's representative h-crad
- Fix the aria-current for the homepage
- Microdata: remove unnecessary "sameAs"
- Reduce "update without adding date updated" timeout to 15min
- Add u-uid and rel=me to my h-card on every page.
It's useless and invalid in those contexts, and removing it
significantly trims the file sizes.
Edit a post featuring a microdata code snippet to avoid conflicts.
- Remove XHTML content-type meta header from HTML documents, reverting
back to the meta charset
- Give XHTML documents their own XHTML declaration
- Remove now-redundant meta charset from XHTML
- Since XHTML and HTML documents differ now, compress after running
xhtmlize and make xhtmlize only act on uncompressed files.
- Validate XHTML using vnu
The site now has polygot markup and can handle both XHTML5 and HTML5
parsing rules. My staging site will be XHTML but my main site will be
HTML5, just in case of parse errors.
If other tools (e.g. LightHouse) end up supporting XHTML5, I'll consider
switching the content-type to XHTML.
I go out of my way to make sure the site works on viewports well under
240 CSS pixels wide. Some pages are very long, so a single mistake in
one part of the page shouldn't cause small text throughout the page.
Some article extractors get confused when the article body references
another author with microdata. Declare the author itemprop a second time
to make them happy.
Add an RSS feed for notes. Next up, replacing the RSS navlink with a
page containing links to both my posts and notes RSS feeds. When I get
ATOM and WebSub, it'll have links ot those too.
Also fixed some typos and switched "Posted" to "Noted" in the context of
- Stop using draft WAI-ARIA 1.3 that isn't supported yet
- Make in-page links focusable across shortcodes/partials
- Replace existing in-page heading anchor links with a more accessible
- Make backlinks aria-labelledby instead of giving them an aria-label,
so they can be translated.
They're not interactive elements and there's no hint that they should be
hovered on. Wrapping them in an <abbr> would just make the markup even
more overcomplicated, so I just dropped the titles.
Allow specifying open graph images for individual pages. Change default
site-wide open graph image alt-text to an empty string since the default
image only has visual value, and is better off hidden from assistive
Set an open graph image for two articles.
- Streamline CSS to reduce duplication
- Better backlink accessible names for endnotes with multiple backlinks
This required updating a false positive filter in my vnu jq filter.
- Adopt more shortcodes in older posts.
- Contain figures, excluding images. Slightly decreases paint times.
- Fix spacing issues for nested articles.
- Always enable vertical scrollbar, since pretty much all pages are
taller than the viewport. Eliminates a layout shift.
- Moar microdata
- Set fixed updated dates for some posts so they don't get new
date-updated values until I actually change the content significantly
- Change a quote of a code snippet to a code snippet with a citation
- Mention tkhtml
- Mention pandoc and printfriendly as exmples of moving figure elements
like floating blocks.
- Make TPGi a publisher, not an author.
- Use brackets to clarify a reference in a quotation.
- Add personal example of why it's important to test both low- and
high-end displays.
- Identify the transcript with a subheading, ending in a period so that
the aria-description separates the identifier from the concept.
- Put the transcript in a <section>
- Snuck in a trivial syntax fix for the generator element.
- Make webring links touch-friendly and accessible by using spaced-out
details elements.
- Make details elements touch-friendly by indicating interactive region
area and making summary padded.
- Sort featured posts by featured order.
- Ensure that at least one non-interactive tappable region exists on the
screen at all times, 48x48 px.
Increased font size to decrease chars-per-line (SC 1.4.8) and increase
tap target size.
Pad the nav links more and add some extra space between them to meet SC
- New shortcode for quotation. Not using this yet.
- Make picture shortcode round image dimensions to integer values.
- Make quotecaption support code snippets borrowed from other places.
Not using this yet.
Split up some verbose and repetitive templates to use nested templates.
Cache some templates that don't need to be re-built every time.
Reading time: switch "a" to "an" when followed by the number "8".
Improve whitespace alignment a bit.