Fork 0
mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one synced 2025-02-25 15:50:05 +00:00
Rohan Kumar 90344bc451
Don't use SVG for the hidden service
The Tor Browser's "safest" mode blocks SVG rendering, but the browser
doesn't download or use any fallback images because of fingerprinting
2022-03-08 19:12:25 -08:00

67 lines
4.3 KiB

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<!-- IDC how much content is extracted from my pages, go knock yourself out. huge images, long snippets, whatever. -->
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow,max-image-preview:large,max-snippet=-1">
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{{ if (eq .RelPermalink "/") -}}
<meta name="keywords" content="developer,poggies,blog,indieweb,software,opensource,security,search engines,search,linux">
{{- end -}}
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<meta property="article:author" content="{{ .Site.Author.name }}">
{{ if gt .Date 0 -}}
<meta property="article:published_time" content="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}">
{{ end -}}
{{ if lt .Date .Lastmod -}}
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{{ end -}}
{{ $icon_svg := resources.Get "/favicon.svg" | resources.Fingerprint "md5" }}
{{- printf `<link rel="icon" sizes="any" href="%s" type="image/svg+xml">` $icon_svg.RelPermalink | safeHTML }}
{{ $icon_192 := resources.Get "/apple-touch-icon.png" | resources.Fingerprint "md5" }}
{{- printf `<link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" href="%s" type="image/png">` $icon_192.RelPermalink | safeHTML -}}
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{{ $favicon_base64 := $favicon.Content | base64Encode }}
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<!-- Why does apple do this -->
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<!-- webmanifest defines even more icons. This is getting ridiculous -->
{{- $webmanifest := resources.Get "/manifest.webmanifest" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "manifest.webmanifest" . | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint "md5" -}}
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{{- if not (eq $dark "off") -}}
{{ $resources = $resources | append (resources.Get "css/dark.css" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "dark.css" .) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $css := $resources | resources.Concat "css/style.css" | minify -}}
<style>{{ $css.Content | safeCSS }}</style>
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ .Title }}">
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{{- if (eq "page" .Kind) }}
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
{{- else }}
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
{{- end -}}
<!-- ANOTHER meta image?! When will it end? -->
{{ $og_image := resources.Get "/favicon512.png" | resources.Fingerprint "md5" -}}
{{ printf `<meta property="og:image" content="%s">` $og_image.Permalink | safeHTML }}
<meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png">
<meta property="og:image:height" content="512"><meta property="og:image:width" content="512">
<meta property="og:image:alt" content="White-on-black colon and semicolon">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://seirdy.one{{ .RelPermalink }}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ if .Params.description }}{{ .Params.description }}{{ else }}{{ .Site.Params.Description }}{{ end }}">
<meta property="profile:first_name" content="{{ .Site.Author.first }}">
<meta property="profile:last_name" content="{{ .Site.Author.last }}">
<meta property="profile:username" content="{{ .Site.Author.nick }}">
{{ hugo.Generator }}