Fork 0
mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one synced 2025-02-25 15:50:05 +00:00
Rohan Kumar 1aed7a66d4
Switch to XHTML5 markup
The site now has polygot markup and can handle both XHTML5 and HTML5
parsing rules. My staging site will be XHTML but my main site will be
HTML5, just in case of parse errors.

If other tools (e.g. LightHouse) end up supporting XHTML5, I'll consider
switching the content-type to XHTML.
2022-05-30 17:39:45 -07:00

59 lines
3.2 KiB

<section aria-labelledby="webmentions">
<h2 id="webmentions" tabindex="-1">Webmen&#173;tions</h2>
<p>This site supports <a href="https://indieweb.org/webmention">Webmentions</a>. Webmentions received for this post will appear in the following list after I approve them. I sometimes send Webmentions to myself on behalf of linking sites that don't support them. Check the <a href="https://web.archive.org/">Wayback Machine</a> if any links are broken.</p>
{{ partial "webmention-form.html" . }}
{{- $target := .RelPermalink | replaceRE "^/~seirdy/" "/" }}
{{- $oldTarget := $target | replaceRE "/posts" "" | replaceRE "/$" ".html" -}}
{{ $url1 := printf "https://seirdy.one/webmentions/get?status=approved&target=https://seirdy.one%s" $target -}}
{{ $url2 := printf "https://seirdy.one/webmentions/get?status=approved&target=https://seirdy.one%s" $oldTarget -}}
{{ $webmentions := (getJSON $url1) | append (getJSON $url2) -}}
{{ range sort $webmentions "created_at" -}}
{{ $webmention := . -}}
{{ if (eq $webmention.type "like") -}}
<div itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/LikeAction" class="u-like h-cite">
{{- else -}}
<div itemprop="comment" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Comment" class="u-comment h-cite">
{{- end -}}
<!--Will eventually add role="comment" once WAI-ARIA 1.3 starts seeing some adoption.-->
itemprop="{{ if (eq $webmention.type "like") -}}startTime{{ else }}datePublished{{ end }}"
datetime="{{ dateFormat "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z07:00" $webmention.created_at }}">
{{ dateFormat "2006-01-02" $webmention.created_at }}
{{ if (eq $webmention.type "like") -}}
{{ if $webmention.author_name -}}
<span itemprop="agent" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" class="h-card p-author vcard"><span itemprop="name" class="p-name fn n">{{ $webmention.author_name }}</span></span>
{{ else if $webmention.title -}}
<span itemprop="name" class="p-name">{{ $webmention.title -}}</span>
{{ else -}}
{{ $webmention.source -}}
{{ end -}}
<a class="u-url" itemprop="url" href="{{ $webmention.source }}" rel="nofollow ugc">liked</a> this
{{ else -}}
<a class="u-url" itemprop="url" href="{{ $webmention.source }}" rel="nofollow ugc">
<span itemprop="name" class="p-content p-name">
{{ if $webmention.title -}}
{{ $webmention.title | truncate 200 -}}
{{ else -}}
{{- $webmention.source | strings.TrimPrefix "https://" | strings.TrimPrefix "www." | strings.TrimRight "/" | truncate 35 -}}
{{ end -}}
{{- if $webmention.author_name }}
by <span itemprop="author" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" class="h-card p-author vcard"><span itemprop="name" class="p-name fn n">{{ $webmention.author_name }}</span></span>
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ else -}}
<dt>Nothing here</dt>
<dd>This post does not have any approved Webmentions yet.</dd>
{{- end }}