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mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one synced 2025-01-10 16:12:09 +00:00
Rohan Kumar 8709bf9ec2
Overhaul webmention generation
Use a new branch of webmentiond that lets me pull in all webmentions for
all pages in a single JSON response

Before, Hugo would make one request to webmentiond per page to ask for
approved webmentions for that page. Sometimes, it makes two requests
because some pages used to have a different canonical location. In all,
it ended up making over 150 requests within a second or two. Webmentiond
can handle this for now, but this isn't sustainable: page count will
only increase with time. I wanted to have Hugo instead get all
webmentions for all pages in one cached request.

I recompiled webmentiond from
https://github.com/zerok/webmentiond/pull/65, which updates the API to
support admin access keys. The admin API allows pulling in all
webmentions for all pages, instead of pulling them in for one page at a

Doing so requires getting a bearer token, so I had to manage a new CI
secret: the password for getting a token. I get the token in a shell
script (get-token.sh) and write it to a temporary file, then have Hugo
read the token from that file. The shell script gets the password using
either the CI secret (in CI) or using my password manager (on my

TODO: support marginalia (mentions with fragments in their targets)
2022-12-19 11:07:57 -08:00

181 lines
7.8 KiB

CSS_DIR = assets/css
SRCFILES = layouts/**/*.html layouts/**/*.xml content/**/*.md $(CSS_DIR)/*.css static/*.svg assets/*.svg config.toml csv/*
DOMAIN = seirdy.one
HUGO_BASEURL = "https://$(DOMAIN)/"
HUGO_FLAGS = --gc --ignoreCache
USER = deploy@$(DOMAIN)
WWW_ROOT = /var/www/$(DOMAIN)
GEMINI_ROOT = /srv/gemini/$(DOMAIN)
OUTPUT_DIR = public
SSHFLAGS = -o KexAlgorithms=sntrup761x25519-sha512@openssh.com
RSYNCFLAGS += -rlpcv --zc=zstd --zl=6 --skip-compress=gz/br/zst/png/webp/jpg/avif/jxl/mp4/mkv/webm/opus/mp3 -e "ssh $(SSHFLAGS)" --chmod=D755,F644
# compression gets slow for extreme levels like the old "70109"
sh scripts/populate-webrings.sh
.PHONY: hugo
hugo: csv/webrings.csv $(SRCFILES)
sh scripts/get-token.sh
rm .webmentiond-token
mv $(OUTPUT_DIR)/about/_index.gmi $(OUTPUT_DIR)/about/index.gmi
# .hintrc-local for linting local files
# same as regular .hintrc but with a different connector.
.hintrc-local: .hintrc
jq --tab '.connector .name = "local" | del(.connector .options)' <linter-configs/hintrc >.hintrc-local
.hintrc-devserver: .hintrc
jq --tab '.extends = ["development"] | .hints["http-compression","https-only","ssllabs","sri"] = "off"' <linter-configs/hintrc >.hintrc-devserver
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DIR) .lighthouseci lighthouse-reports mentions.json
.PHONY: lint-css
lint-css: $(CSS_DIR)/*.css
pnpm -s dlx stylelint --config linter-configs/stylelintrc.json --di --rd --rdd $(CSS_DIR)/*.css
@#csslint --quiet $(CSS_DIR)
# IBM Equal Access Accessibility Checker can't handle content-visibility,
# so run it on a special version of the site without content-visibility.
.PHONY: equal-access
cp -r $(OUTPUT_DIR) $(OUTPUT_DIR).eac
find $(OUTPUT_DIR).eac -type f -name "*.html" | xargs -n1 sd 'content-visibility:auto;' ''
achecker $(OUTPUT_DIR).eac/
rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DIR).eac
.PHONY: validate-json
jq -reM '""' $(OUTPUT_DIR)/manifest.min.*.webmanifest 1>/dev/null
jq -reM '""' $(OUTPUT_DIR)/webfinger.json 1>/dev/null
.PHONY: validate-html
sh scripts/vnu.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR)
.PHONY: htmlproofer
htmlproofer $(OUTPUT_DIR) --disable-external --checks Images,Scripts,Favicon,OpenGraph --ignore-empty-alt=true --ignore-files $(OUTPUT_DIR)/search/index.html --enforce-https=false --ignore-urls '../music.txt'
rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) $(RSYNCFLAGS_EXTRA) deploy@seirdy.one:/home/deploy/refcache.json linter-configs/htmltest/refcache.json
# basic checks for generated HTML and broken links. Persist the broken
# link cache remotely so we can run this in CI.
.PHONY: htmltest
htmltest: linter-configs/htmltest.yml
htmltest -c linter-configs/htmltest.yml $(OUTPUT_DIR)
rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) $(RSYNCFLAGS_EXTRA) linter-configs/htmltest/refcache.json deploy@seirdy.one:/home/deploy/refcache.json
.PHONY: hint
hint: hugo .hintrc-local
hint --config .hintrc-local -f codeframe $(OUTPUT_DIR)
rm .hintrc-local
.PHONY: lint-local
lint-local: validate-html validate-json lint-css
# dev server, includes future and draft posts
.PHONY: serve
hugo serve --disableLiveReload $(HUGO_FLAGS) -FwDb http://localhost:1313/
.PHONY: hint-devserver
hint-devserver: .hintrc-devserver
hint --config .hintrc-devserver -f codeframe $(DEVSERVER_URL)
rm .hintrc-devserver
.PHONY: check-links
check-links: hugo
lychee --verbose $(find public -type f -name '*.html' -o -name '*.gmi' -o -name '*.txt') content/posts/*.md content/posts/*.gmi
.PHONY: test
test: lint-css hint-devserver check-links
sh scripts/compress.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR) gzip $(ECT_LEVEL)
sh scripts/compress.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR) brotli
compress: gzip brotli
.PHONY: gzip brotli compress
.PHONY: xhtmlize
sh scripts/xhtmlize.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR)
.PHONY: copy-to-xhtml
find $(OUTPUT_DIR) -type f -name "*.html" -exec sh scripts/copy-file-to-xhtml.sh {} \;
# save webmentions to a file, don't send yet
mentions.json: hugo
# gather old version of the site
# rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) --exclude '*.gz' --exclude '*.br' --exclude '*.png' --exclude-from .rsyncignore $(WWW_RSYNC_DEST)/ old
static-webmentions -f mentions.json.unfiltered find
# filter the webmentions a bit; jq offers more flexibility than config.toml
jq '[ .[] | select(.Dest|test("https://(git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one/log/master|seirdy.one|web.archive.org|archive.is|en.wikipedia.org|matrix.to|([a-z]*.)?reddit.com|github.com)") | not) ]' <mentions.json.unfiltered >mentions.json
rm mentions.json.unfiltered
.PHONY: deploy-html
rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) $(RSYNCFLAGS_EXTRA) --exclude 'gemini' --exclude '*.gmi' --exclude-from .rsyncignore $(OUTPUT_DIR)/ $(WWW_RSYNC_DEST) --delete
.PHONY: deploy-gemini
rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) $(RSYNCFLAGS_EXTRA) --exclude '*.html' --exclude '*.xml' --exclude '*.xhtml' --exclude '*.gz' --exclude '*.br' --exclude-from .rsyncignore $(OUTPUT_DIR)/gemini/ $(OUTPUT_DIR)/about $(OUTPUT_DIR)/posts $(OUTPUT_DIR)/about $(OUTPUT_DIR)/publickey.* $(GEMINI_RSYNC_DEST)/ --delete
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: deploy-html deploy-gemini
.PHONY: .prepare-deploy
@$(MAKE) clean
@$(MAKE) hugo
@$(MAKE) xhtmlize
# deploy steps need to happen one at a time
.PHONY: deploy-prod
deploy-prod: .prepare-deploy
@$(MAKE) compress
@$(MAKE) copy-to-xhtml
@$(MAKE) deploy
# hidden service doesn't need brotli
.PHONY: deploy-onion
@$(MAKE) WWW_ROOT=/var/www/seirdy.onion HUGO_BASEURL='http://wgq3bd2kqoybhstp77i3wrzbfnsyd27wt34psaja4grqiezqircorkyd.onion/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_onion .prepare-deploy
@$(MAKE) WWW_ROOT=/var/www/seirdy.onion HUGO_BASEURL='http://wgq3bd2kqoybhstp77i3wrzbfnsyd27wt34psaja4grqiezqircorkyd.onion/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_onion gzip
@$(MAKE) WWW_ROOT=/var/www/seirdy.onion HUGO_BASEURL='http://wgq3bd2kqoybhstp77i3wrzbfnsyd27wt34psaja4grqiezqircorkyd.onion/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_onion copy-to-xhtml
@$(MAKE) WWW_ROOT=/var/www/seirdy.onion HUGO_BASEURL='http://wgq3bd2kqoybhstp77i3wrzbfnsyd27wt34psaja4grqiezqircorkyd.onion/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_onion deploy-html
# we only deploy html to the staging site
.PHONY: deploy-staging
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS=-DF DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging .prepare-deploy
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS=-DF DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging compress
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS=-DF DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging copy-to-xhtml
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS=-DF DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging deploy-html
.PHONY: lint-and-deploy-staging
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='-DF' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging .prepare-deploy
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='-DF' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging compress lint-local
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='-DF' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging copy-to-xhtml
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='-DF' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging deploy-html
.PHONY: deploy-envs
@$(MAKE) -j1 HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs .prepare-deploy copy-to-xhtml
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs lint-local
@$(MAKE) SSHFLAGS='-o KexAlgorithms=curve25519-sha256@libssh.org' HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs deploy