mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 15:50:05 +00:00

This one is simpler than the last attempt, since it doesn't overlap with any content except the navbar links' empty padding.
40 lines
1.6 KiB
40 lines
1.6 KiB
<a href="#main">Skip to content</a>
<nav aria-label="Global">
{{- $currentPage := . -}}
{{- $canonicalRelPermalink := $currentPage.RelPermalink | replaceRE "^/~seirdy/" "/" }}
{{- $isHome := false -}}
{{- if eq $canonicalRelPermalink "/" -}}
{{- $isHome = true -}}
{{- end }}
itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Blog https://schema.org/WebSite"
itemid="{{ .Site.Params.CanonicalBaseURL }}/">
<a rel="home" itemprop="url" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}"{{- if $isHome }} aria-current="page"{{- end -}}>
{{- if $isHome -}}
<strong itemprop="name">{{ .Site.Title }}</strong>
{{- else -}}
<span itemprop="name">{{ .Site.Title }}</span>
{{- end -}}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main -}}
{{ $isCurrent := false }}
<li itemprop="hasPart" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement">
<a href="{{ .URL | absURL}}" itemprop="url"
{{- if or (eq .Identifier "notes" ) (eq .Identifier "articles") (eq .Identifier "bookmarks") }} rel="feed"{{- end }}
{{- if or (eq $currentPage.RelPermalink .URL) ($currentPage.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) -}}{{- $isCurrent = true }} aria-current="page"{{- end -}}>
{{- if or $isCurrent (eq $currentPage.Section .Title) (and (eq $currentPage.Section "posts") (eq .Identifier "articles")) -}}
<strong itemprop="name">{{- .Name -}}</strong>
{{- else -}}
<span itemprop="name">{{- .Name -}}</span>
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ partial "breadcrumblist.html" . }}