Fork 0
mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one synced 2025-02-25 15:50:05 +00:00

Compare commits


No commits in common. "dcb19779cec425745fa597dc327de7073162605f" and "a390d5f1375b32e3eb9341c7b9efb9eb2d242723" have entirely different histories.

16 changed files with 182 additions and 91 deletions

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ html-validate:
pnpm -s dlx html-validate --ext=html -c linter-configs/htmlvalidate.json $(OUTPUT_DIR) pnpm -s dlx html-validate --ext=html -c linter-configs/htmlvalidate.json $(OUTPUT_DIR)
.PHONY: lint-local .PHONY: lint-local
lint-local: html-validate validate-html validate-json lint-css htmlproofer lint-local: html-validate validate-html validate-json lint-css
# dev server, includes future and draft posts # dev server, includes future and draft posts
.PHONY: serve .PHONY: serve
@ -172,5 +172,5 @@ lint-and-deploy-staging:
.PHONY: deploy-envs .PHONY: deploy-envs
deploy-envs: deploy-envs:
@$(MAKE) -j1 HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs .prepare-deploy copy-to-xhtml @$(MAKE) -j1 HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs .prepare-deploy copy-to-xhtml
@$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs html-validate validate-html validate-json lint-css @$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs lint-local
@$(MAKE) SSHFLAGS='-o KexAlgorithms=curve25519-sha256@libssh.org' HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs deploy @$(MAKE) SSHFLAGS='-o KexAlgorithms=curve25519-sha256@libssh.org' HUGO_FLAGS='' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs deploy

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# seirdy.one seirdy.one
[![sourcehut](https://img.shields.io/badge/repository-sourcehut-lightgrey.svg?logo=)](https://sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one) [![GitLab mirror](https://img.shields.io/badge/mirror-GitLab-orange.svg?logo=gitlab)](https://gitlab.com/Seirdy/seirdy.one) [![GitHub mirror](https://img.shields.io/badge/mirror-GitHub-black.svg?logo=github)](https://github.com/Seirdy/seirdy.one) [![Codeberg mirror](https://img.shields.io/badge/mirror-Codeberg-blue.svg?logo=codeberg)](https://codeberg.org/Seirdy/seirdy.one) [![sourcehut](https://img.shields.io/badge/repository-sourcehut-lightgrey.svg?logo=)](https://sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one) [![GitLab mirror](https://img.shields.io/badge/mirror-GitLab-orange.svg?logo=gitlab)](https://gitlab.com/Seirdy/seirdy.one) [![GitHub mirror](https://img.shields.io/badge/mirror-GitHub-black.svg?logo=github)](https://github.com/Seirdy/seirdy.one) [![Codeberg mirror](https://img.shields.io/badge/mirror-Codeberg-blue.svg?logo=codeberg)](https://codeberg.org/Seirdy/seirdy.one)
@ -8,62 +9,125 @@ Code for my personal website, [seirdy.one](https://seirdy.one). Built with Hugo.
Also builds my Gemini capsule: <gemini://seirdy.one/>. Also builds my Gemini capsule: <gemini://seirdy.one/>.
I document [my site design standards](https://seirdy.one/meta/site-design/) on my website. Dependencies
## Dependencies To build:
### Build-time dependencies - Hugo 0.93 or later
- Hugo. I usually use the most recent version of Hugo at the time of publishing, but it _should_ work with any version of Hugo v0.116.0 or later (v0.116.0 had an improvement to `where` that I might use).
- bmake or GNU Make. OpenBSD make (omake) should work too, but I haven't tested it. - bmake or GNU Make. OpenBSD make (omake) should work too, but I haven't tested it.
- Git (Hugo uses Git info for features like date last updated) - Git (Hugo uses Git info for features like date last updated)
- curl, for fetching some webring code and all my webmentions. **this requires authentication.** When running locally, it invokes `pash`, my password manager; when running in CI, it reads a file for a secret. You may have to modify `scripts/get-webmentions.sh` to avoid this. - [htmlq](https://github.com/mgdm/htmlq), to parse HTML when fetching some webring links and for some post-processing.
- POSIX utilities: `grep`, `find`, `sed`, POSIX-compliant `/bin/sh`, etc. Tested to work with Busybox and GNU Coreutils. - POSIX utils: `grep`, `find`, POSIX-compliant `/bin/sh`, etc.
Before deploying, I use some tools for post-processing: Before deploying, I use some tools to process the output.
- `xmllint`, part of libxml2, to format the generated polygot XHTML5 markup. - `xmllint`, part of libxml2, to format the generated polygot XHTML5 markup.
- a [patched version of html-tidy](https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/tidy-html5) - [sd](https://github.com/chmln/sdA) (for advanced multi-line regex operations, much of which exist to fix `xmllint`'s output)
- More POSIX utilities. - a patched version of html-tidy
I also apply static compression at max levels, using the following tools: I also apply static compression at max levels, using the following tools:
- [Efficient Compression Tool](https://github.com/fhanau/Efficient-Compression-Tool) It's like zopfli but more efficient and faster. If you don't have it installed, it should be trivial to edit `scripts/compress.sh` to replace `ect` with `gzip` or `zopfli`. - [Efficient Compression Tool](https://github.com/fhanau/Efficient-Compression-Tool) It's like zopfli but more efficient and faster.
- Brotli - Brotli
I package all build-time dependencies _except_ curl as statically-linked binaries in a tarball, available at <https://seirdy.one/pb/binaries.tar.gz>. To deploy:
### Other dependencies - rsync, with SSH and zstd support
To deploy, I use rsync with SSH and zstd support.
Further tasks also use additional command-line utilities such as `sd`, `htmlq`, and a version of `xargs` that supports the `-P` flag (nearly all versions of `xargs` do, but it's not POSIX). I run all npm packages using `pnpm -s dlx` (similar to `npx`).
To lint: To lint:
- Stylelint - stylelint, invoked using pnpm.
- [html-validate](https://html-validate.org/) - [lychee](https://github.com/lycheeverse/lychee), to check broken links.
- A very recent build of the W3C's [Nu HTML checker](https://github.com/validator/validator) to validate the HTML and XHTML, available on your `$PATH` as `vnu`. I have a very simple shell-script wrapper for this that invokes `java -jar`. - A very recent build of the w3c's [Nu HTML checker](https://github.com/validator/validator) to validate the HTML and XHTML.
- [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), to filter false-positives from the Nu HTML checker and to verify that JSON files parse. - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), to filter false-positives from the Nu HTML checker.
- [HTMLProofer](https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer), version 5 or later. Requires Ruby.
More in-depth local tests: Build instructions
- Axe-Core, using the CLI and a headless browser (Firefox or Chromium).
- IBM Equal Access Checker, using the CLI and a headless Chromium. Runs on a patched version of the site with a modified stylesheet due to a bug (reported upstream).
Remote tests:
- Lighthouse
- WebHint (might not pass; only informative)
- Feed validator (requires Python)
## Build instructions
- To just build the HTML: `make hugo` - To just build the HTML: `make hugo`
- To build the polygot formatted HTML and XHTML: `make hugo xhtmlize` - To build the polygot formatted HTML and XHTML: `make hugo xhtmlize`
- To lint and validate: `make hugo xhtmlize lint-local` - To lint and validate: `make hugo xhtmlize lint-local`
- To build everything and compress: `make hugo xhtmlize compress copy-to-xhtml` - To build everything and compress: `make hugo xhtmlize compress`
- To deploy the clearnet site and corresponding Tor hidden service: `make deploy-prod deploy-onion`. - To deploy the clearnet site and corresponding Tor hidden service: `make deploy-prod deploy-onion`
`lint-local` and deployment tasks support limited parallelization with `-j`. `make` can parallelize only a little, since many jobs depend on previous jobs.
I made the site as inclusive as possible. Tested using multiple screen readers (Orca, TalkBack, Apple VoiceOver, Windows Narrator, NVDA), and I regularly test with the following browsers/engines. Testing in a browser does not imply any sort of endorsement; I just want to meet people where they're at and I want my site to be as robust as possible.
For all the listed options, I test "reading mode" whenever it's available. Most of my testing happens on Linux since that's my main OS, but I sometimes test on a Windows machine.
The main compatibility issue is a lack of support for `<details>`; the only non-mainstream engine to support it is Servo. The site is still perfectly usable without support for `<details>`; users will just be annoyed by pre-expanded toggle buttons that don't do anything.
### Desktop
Mainstream engines:
- Gecko: Nightly, Stable, ESR, and sometimes Pale Moon
- the Tor Browser
- Blink: latest Chromium snapshot, stable, and QtWebEngine
- WebKit, via Webkit2GTK3
Non-mainstream engines:
- NetSurf
- [The SerenityOS Browser](https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/tree/master/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb) (does not yet support ECDSA-based certs, so I test on my Tildeverse mirror). Known issue: SVG avatar doesn't render unless I view it in a new tab.
- Very old WebKit via rekonq (Qt4 QtWebKit).
- KHTML (KF5), via Konqueror.
- Servo
- Tkhtml, via Hv3 (no TLS 1.2, so I use a terminating proxy or localhost version)
Tested on a provisional basis, when I have access to a Windows machine:
- [Winternight Classic](https://github.com/ClassicNick/Crescent-Vine).
- IE 11.
- Even older WebKit, via Safari 5.1.7. Requires a TLS terminating proxy.
- Ancient Gecko, via NetScape Navigator. Requires a TLS terminating proxy.
Desktop screen readers tested:
- Orca
- Windows Narrator
- TODO: borrow someone's mac and test macOS VoiceOver.
### Mobile
- Android: Blink, Gecko, Tor Browser
- iOS WebKit: latest stable version, iOS 12, iOS 10 on an iPhone 5. Also tested Reader Mode.
- TODO: try a KaiOS device and Samsung Internet's dark mode.
The site should work well even on viewports that are under 240 CSS pixels wide.
Mobile screen readers:
- TalkBack
- VoiceOver
- TODO: test KaiOS Readout
### Smart watches
- Borrowed an Apple Watch to try the embedded browser.
- TODO: test on a Tizen or Wear OS device's browser (Samsung Internet is a popular choice)
## Accessibility
To my knowledge, this site meets all applicable WCAG 2.2 AA requirements.
This site meets all applicable WCAG 2.2 AAA requirements, with the following exceptions:
- SC 1.4.8 Visual Presentation: long article body text for articles should have an average character count per line below 80 characters. Some lines may exceed this limit. Text outside of article bodies has a longer line width.
- SC 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only): I mostly follow this guideline, but there may be some exceptions. Link purpose in context is always clear, though.
- SC 3.1.5 Reading Level: the required reading ability often exceeds the lower secondary education level
- SC 3.1.6 Pronunciation: I do not yet provide pronunciation information.
I have only tested WCAG compliance in mainstream browser engines (Blink, Gecko, WebKit).
I also go further than WCAG in many aspects.
- Rather than follow SC 2.5.5's requirement to achieve a minimum tap target size of 44 by 44 pixels, I follow Google's more strict guidelines. These guidelines mandate that targets are at least 48-by-48 pixels, with no overlap against any other targets in a 56-by-56 pixel range.
- I ensure at least one such 56-by-56 pixel non-interactive region exists on the page, for users with hand tremors or or anyone who wants to tap the screen without clicking something.
- I only set custom colors in response to the `prefers-color-scheme: dark` media query. These custom colors pass APCA contrast ratios, all being close to the ideal lightness contrast of 90. They are also autism- and overstimulation-friendly colors: yellow links are significantly de-saturated to reduce harshness.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
baseURL = "https://seirdy.one/" # just the default, I have mirrors baseURL = "https://seirdy.one/" # just the default, I have mirrors
languageCode = "en-us" languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Seirdys Home" title = "Seirdy's Home"
timeZone = "UTC" timeZone = "UTC"
summaryLength = 150 summaryLength = 150
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
canonicalBaseURL = "https://seirdy.one" # I have mirrors with different baseURLs canonicalBaseURL = "https://seirdy.one" # I have mirrors with different baseURLs
webmentionEndpoint = "https://seirdy.one/webmentions/receive" webmentionEndpoint = "https://seirdy.one/webmentions/receive"
logUrlPrefix = "https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one/log/master/item/" logUrlPrefix = "https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one/log/master/item/"
copyright = "Copyright © 2023 Rohan “Seirdy” Kumar" copyright = "Copyright © 2021 Rohan Kumar"
dark = "auto" dark = "auto"
highlight = false highlight = false
icon = "/favicon.svg" icon = "/favicon.svg"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
lastmod = ['lastmod', ':git', 'date', 'publishDate'] lastmod = ['lastmod', ':git', 'date', 'publishDate']
[author] [author]
name = "Seirdy" name = "Rohan Kumar"
url = "https://seirdy.one/" url = "https://seirdy.one/"
first = "Rohan" first = "Rohan"
last = "Kumar" last = "Kumar"

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ outputs:
- gemtext - gemtext
- atom - atom
title: Seirdys Home title: Seirdy's Home
sitemap: sitemap:
- ChangeFreq: weekly - ChangeFreq: weekly
- Priority: 0.9 - Priority: 0.9

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--- ---
template: "notes.html" template: "notes.html"
description: "All the microblogs (“notes”) on Seirdys Home" description: "All the microblogs (\"notes\") on Seirdy's Home"
title: "Notes" title: "Notes"
sitemap: sitemap:
ChangeFreq: daily ChangeFreq: daily

View file

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ syndicatedCopies:
url: 'https://lobste.rs/comments/3tsiiw/reply' url: 'https://lobste.rs/comments/3tsiiw/reply'
- title: 'The Fediverse' - title: 'The Fediverse'
url: 'https://pleroma.envs.net/notice/AboaFMxxNcJfCgE95s' url: 'https://pleroma.envs.net/notice/AboaFMxxNcJfCgE95s'
- title: 'jstpst'
url: 'https://www.jstpst.net/f/just_post/9060/webrings-are-already-back'
--- ---
Webrings are alive and well; they don't need to be "brought back" because they're already here. Webrings are alive and well; they don't need to be "brought back" because they're already here.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--- ---
template: "posts.html" template: "posts.html"
description: "All the long-form articles on Seirdys Home" description: "All the long-form articles on Seirdy's Home"
title: "Articles" title: "Articles"
sitemap: sitemap:
ChangeFreq: weekly ChangeFreq: weekly

View file

@ -5,7 +5,4 @@ input-encoding: utf8
output-xhtml: yes output-xhtml: yes
quiet: yes quiet: yes
indent: no indent: no
# I set this manually
tidy-mark: no tidy-mark: no
quote-nbsp: no
sort-attributes: alpha

View file

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ while getopts "hj" flags; do
;; ;;
*) *)
bad_option "${flags}" 'invalid option' bad_option "${flags}" 'invalid option'
exit 1
;; ;;
esac esac
done done
@ -60,12 +61,9 @@ base_url="${1-http://localhost:8089}"
# HTML validation is already parallelized, so run that single-threaded. # HTML validation is already parallelized, so run that single-threaded.
make -j1 HUGO_FLAGS=-DF HUGO_BASEURL="$base_url" clean hugo xhtmlize copy-to-xhtml validate-html make -j1 HUGO_FLAGS=-DF HUGO_BASEURL="$base_url" clean hugo xhtmlize copy-to-xhtml validate-html
sitemap_links="$(curl -sSL --compressed "$base_url/sitemap.xml" | htmlq loc -t)" make -j "$jobs" -f Makefile.online HUGO_BASEURL="$base_url" all-extra URLS="$(curl -sSL "$base_url/sitemap.xml" | htmlq loc -t | rg -v '/search/$' | tr '\n' ' ')" &
urls_offline="$(echo "$sitemap_links" | rg -v '/search/$' | tr '\n' ' ')"
make -j "$jobs" -f Makefile.online HUGO_BASEURL="$base_url" all-extra URLS="$urls_offline" &
make deploy-staging RSYNCFLAGS_EXTRA=-q make deploy-staging RSYNCFLAGS_EXTRA=-q
urls_online="$(echo "$sitemap_links" | rg -v '/(?:search|wcag-is-a-starting-point)/$' | sort | tr '\n' ' ')" make -f Makefile.online hint-online URLS="$(curl -sSL --compressed https://staging.seirdy.one/sitemap.xml | htmlq loc -t | rg -v '/(?:search|wcag-is-a-starting-point)/$' | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
make -f Makefile.online hint-online URLS="$urls_online"
wait wait
# TODO: run lighthouse on every page in the sitemap. # TODO: run lighthouse on every page in the sitemap.

View file

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ while getopts "hr" flags; do
;; ;;
*) *)
bad_option "${flags}" 'invalid option' bad_option "${flags}" 'invalid option'
exit 1
;; ;;
esac esac
done done

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ while getopts "ho" flags; do
;; ;;
*) *)
bad_option "${flags}" 'invalid option' bad_option "${flags}" 'invalid option'
exit 1
;; ;;
esac esac
done done

View file

@ -25,14 +25,12 @@ key() {
} }
token() { token() {
key_response="$(key)" ccurl -sX POST "$auth_url" -d "key=$(key)"
ccurl -sX POST "$auth_url" -d "key=$key_response"
} }
# use that token to fetch all webmentions # use that token to fetch all webmentions
fetch_webmentions() { fetch_webmentions() {
token_response="$(token)" ccurl --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer $(token)" "$webmentions_url"
ccurl --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer $token_response" "$webmentions_url" -o "$webmentions_file"
} }
# fetch webmentions if we don't have a fresh copy already. # fetch webmentions if we don't have a fresh copy already.
@ -42,5 +40,5 @@ if [ -f "$webmentions_file" ] \
echo 'Using cached webmentions' echo 'Using cached webmentions'
else else
echo 'Fetching webmentions' echo 'Fetching webmentions'
fetch_webmentions fetch_webmentions >"$webmentions_file"
fi fi

View file

@ -51,24 +51,65 @@ while getopts "hd" flags; do
;; ;;
*) *)
bad_option "$flags" 'invalid option' bad_option "$flags" 'invalid option'
exit 1
;; ;;
esac esac
done done
trim_trailing_comma() {
sd ',$' ''
values_to_csv() {
tr '\n' ',' | trim_trailing_comma && echo
# values for the GEORGE webring
# Left bc I quit trying to make a good first-party iframe alternative
# that conformed to my site design standards while also imparting the
# message of GEORGE as intended.
# george() {
# printf 'GEORGE,'
# {
# curl -sSL --compressed 'https://george.gh0.pw/embed.cgi?seirdy' \
# | htmlq -a href 'main p a'
# echo "null"
# } | values_to_csv
# }
endless_orbit() { endless_orbit() {
printf 'Endless Orbit,' printf 'Endless Orbit,'
curl -sSL --compressed https://linkyblog.neocities.org/onionring/onionring-variables.js \ {
| grep -C 1 https://seirdy.one/ \ curl -sSL --compressed https://linkyblog.neocities.org/onionring/onionring-variables.js \
| tr -d "'\n" | sed 's|https://seirdy.one/|https://linkyblog.neocities.org/webring.html|' | grep -C 1 https://seirdy.one/
echo 'null' echo "'null',"
} | sd https://seirdy.one/ https://linkyblog.neocities.org/webring.html \
| sd "\n|'" '' | trim_trailing_comma
netizens() {
printf 'Netizens,'
curl -sSL --compressed https://netizensring.link/onionring-variables.js \
| grep -C 1 https://seirdy.one/
} | sd 'https://seirdy.one/,?' 'https://netizensring.link/' \
| sd "\n|'|\r" '' | trim_trailing_comma
echo ',null'
print_csv_values() {
# george
# netizens
} }
if [ "$dry_run" = '1' ]; then if [ "$dry_run" = '1' ]; then
endless_orbit print_csv_values
elif [ -f "$webrings_dest" ]; then elif [ -f "$webrings_dest" ]; then
echo "webrings file already generated" echo "webrings file already generated"
else else
endless_orbit | cat "$webrings_src" - >"$webrings_dest" print_csv_values | cat "$webrings_src" - >"$webrings_dest"
fi fi
# vi:ft=sh # vi:ft=sh

View file

@ -3,17 +3,15 @@ set -e -u
pwd="$(dirname "$0")" pwd="$(dirname "$0")"
output_dir="$1" output_dir="$1"
find_files_to_analyze() { files_to_analyze() {
find "$output_dir" -type f -name '*.xhtml' -o -name '*.svg' \ find "$output_dir" -type f -name '*.xhtml' -o -name '*.svg' \
| grep -Ev '(bimi\.svg|search/index\.x?html)$' | grep -Ev '(bimi\.svg|search/index\.x?html)$'
} }
# we skip the BIMI icon (VNU can't handle SVG 1.2) and the search page (it has raw templates). # we skip the BIMI icon (VNU can't handle SVG 1.2) and the search page (it has raw templates).
vnu \ vnu \
--stdout \ --stdout \
--format json \ --format json \
--also-check-svg \ --also-check-svg \
$files_to_analyze \ $(files_to_analyze) \
| sh "$pwd/filter-vnu.sh" | sh "$pwd/filter-vnu.sh"

View file

@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
# use xmllint to do the formatting. # use xmllint to do the formatting.
# xmllint ruins inline CSS so delete the inline CSS and re-insert it. # xmllint ruins inline CSS so delete the inline CSS and re-insert it.
# xmllint also adds extra whitespace around <pre><code> which we remove # xmllint also adds extra whitespace around <pre><code> which we remove
# with sed. # with "sd". I chose sd since it handles newlines well.
# It also decreases indents by one level # It also decreases indents by one level
set -e -u set -e -u
html_file="$1" html_file="$1"
tmp_file="$(mktemp)" tmp_file="$html_file.tmp"
cleanup() { cleanup() {
rm -f "$tmp_file" rm -f "$tmp_file"
@ -29,20 +30,17 @@ run_tidy () {
# delete the stylesheet from the html file; we'll re-insert it later. # delete the stylesheet from the html file; we'll re-insert it later.
# Also remove two indentation levels # Also remove two indentation levels
sed 7d "$html_file" | xmllint --format --encode UTF-8 --noent - | tail -n +2 | run_tidy >"$tmp_file" sed 7d "$html_file" | xmllint --format --encode UTF-8 --noent - | tail -n +2 | sd '^\t(?:\t)?' '' | run_tidy >"$tmp_file"
{ {
head -n7 "$tmp_file" head -n7 "$tmp_file"
cat "${OUTPUT_DIR:?}/tmp.css" cat "$OUTPUT_DIR/tmp.css"
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 # these are regex statements, not shell expressions # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # these are regex statements, not shell expressions
#shellcheck source=/home/rkumar/Executables/ghq/git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one/scripts/xhtmlize.sh tail -n +8 "$tmp_file" \
sed \ | sd '<pre(?: tabindex="0")?>\n(?:\t|\s)*<(code|samp)( |>)' '<pre tabindex="0"><$1$2' \
-e '1,7d' \ | sd '(?:\n)?</(code|samp)>\n(?:[\t\s]*)?</pre>' '</$1></pre>' \
-e "s|name=\"generator\" />|name=\"generator\" />\n${TIDY:?}|" \ | sd '</span>(?:&nbsp;)?.span itemprop="familyName"' '</span>&#160;<span itemprop="familyName"' \
-e 's|\.svg" width="16" /><span|.svg" width="16" /> <span|' \ | sd -s '&nbsp;' '&#160;' \
-e 's|</span>(&nbsp;)?.span itemprop="familyName|</span>&#160;<span itemprop="familyName"|' \ | sd -f m 'class="u-photo photo"[^<]*<' 'class="u-photo photo"/> <' \
-E \ | sd '([a-z])<(data|time)' '$1 <$2' \
-e 's|([a-z])<data|\1 <data|' \ | sd '</span>(<a[^>]*rel="(?:nofollow ugc|ugc nofollow)"(?:[^>]*)?>liked</a>)' '</span> $1'
-e 's#</span>(<a[^>]*rel="(nofollow ugc|ugc nofollow)"([^>]*)?>liked</a>)#</span> \1#' \
-e 's#<pre( tabindex="0")?>\n(\t|\s)*<(code|samp)( |>)#<pre tabindex="0"><\3\4#' \
} >"$html_file" } >"$html_file"

View file

@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ set -e -u
output_dir="$1" output_dir="$1"
script_dir="$(dirname "$0")" script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
tidy_version="$(tidy -version)" printf '<style>%s</style>\n' "$(htmlq -t style <"$output_dir/index.html")" >"$output_dir/tmp.css"
export TIDY="<meta content=\"$tidy_version\" name=\"generator\" />"
sed -e '7q;d' "$output_dir/index.html" | tr -d '\t' >"$output_dir/tmp.css"
cleanup() { cleanup() {
rm -f "$output_dir/tmp.css" rm -f "$output_dir/tmp.css"
} }
@ -19,5 +16,5 @@ trap cleanup EXIT
export OUTPUT_DIR="$output_dir" export OUTPUT_DIR="$output_dir"
find "$output_dir" -type f -name '*.html' -exec sh "$script_dir/xhtmlize-single-file.sh" {} \; find "$output_dir" -type f -name '*.html' | xargs -n1 sh "$script_dir/xhtmlize-single-file.sh"
# done # done