- More exact browserlist
- stop hiding "hint" execution
- Disable chromium sandbox since I'm now running it in a container and
all content is trusted.
- Remove obsolete elements-to-ignore from the compatibility check.
- Re-enable the compression check but disable checking for Zopfli
compression, which returns a fale-positive; I use
efficient-compression-tool for gzip compression which is actually
better than Zopfli.
- Stop ignoring the "X-Frame-Options" header in no-disallowed-headers,
since I stopped sending that header.
html-tidy takes care of some post-processing, rendering other
substitutions obsolete. Remove the obsolete regex substitutions.
Now that we did that, the remaining substitutions can be done with
vanilla POSIX or POSIX-Extended regular expressions. Replace sd with
sed, and group the substitutions together into one invocation instead of
multiple invocations piped together. This change speeds up
post-processing to be almost as fast as the initial build step.
My site doesn't have any JS and aggressively uses CSS Containment
wherever possible, so recalculations aren't a significant performance
issue even when a user adds simple userstyles.
One filter removes false-positives but has been fixed upstream; will
keep the filter for a little while until Validator.nu updates to catch
up to my local copy and validator.w3.org.
This allows me to update a webmention URL if it breaks or changes and
the admin didn't bother putting a re-direct in place.
I shouldn't have needed to do this. Cool URLs don't change.
- Allow long CC durations in webhint
- WH warns when load time is within a whole second of the target
load-time, so bump it up a little.
- Add a comment to the build manifest
- Run webhint in parallel with other site checks, right after the
deployment finishes
- Fix webhint perf budget (it warns when within 0.5 sec so give it a
0.5 sec buffer)
- Throttle LH a bit more
- Increase list padding so that ordered-list decimal markers have space
to fit without overflowing.
- Improve style for removing underline between h-card name and photo, so
it doesn't apply to any unnecessary elements.
- Reduce budget for document size.
- Replace achecker flags with a config file
- Bring back webhint
- Amend check-whole-site so that it will deploy to staging if all checks
pass, and then run webhint on every staging page.
- I forgot to compress xhtml files. fix that.
- Stylistic change: remove unnecessary brace expansions
- Don't repeatedly append to a file; run commands in a different scope
and write all at once.
Move Nu HTML validator filtering into a shell script:
- Return a bad exit code if validation errors are found after filtering
- Remove null-ish values from the JSON output; the final output *should*
be an empty string, since nothing should be reported.
- Remove XHTML content-type meta header from HTML documents, reverting
back to the meta charset
- Give XHTML documents their own XHTML declaration
- Remove now-redundant meta charset from XHTML
- Since XHTML and HTML documents differ now, compress after running
xhtmlize and make xhtmlize only act on uncompressed files.
- Validate XHTML using vnu
The site now has polygot markup and can handle both XHTML5 and HTML5
parsing rules. My staging site will be XHTML but my main site will be
HTML5, just in case of parse errors.
If other tools (e.g. LightHouse) end up supporting XHTML5, I'll consider
switching the content-type to XHTML.
- Stop using draft WAI-ARIA 1.3 that isn't supported yet
- Make in-page links focusable across shortcodes/partials
- Replace existing in-page heading anchor links with a more accessible
- Make backlinks aria-labelledby instead of giving them an aria-label,
so they can be translated.