- Got permission from some more users to use archived/cached links for
dead posts
- found new updated links for others.
- fixed brid.gy reddit backfeed due to case issue
- some http-only sites have finally adopted TLS; update their links.
- Use better link-text (a11y)
- Use better semantics when citing stuff (microformats h-cite, microdata
schema.org "mentions")
- Replace reference to Radare2 with Rizin
- Adopt more shortcodes in older posts.
- Contain figures, excluding images. Slightly decreases paint times.
- Fix spacing issues for nested articles.
- Always enable vertical scrollbar, since pretty much all pages are
taller than the viewport. Eliminates a layout shift.
- Moar microdata
- Set fixed updated dates for some posts so they don't get new
date-updated values until I actually change the content significantly
- Explain how FLOSS can allow transparency into the development
- Give examples of proprietary software that's more secure
- Make the conclusion just a little more detailed.