- More exact browserlist
- stop hiding "hint" execution
- Disable chromium sandbox since I'm now running it in a container and
all content is trusted.
- Remove obsolete elements-to-ignore from the compatibility check.
- Re-enable the compression check but disable checking for Zopfli
compression, which returns a fale-positive; I use
efficient-compression-tool for gzip compression which is actually
better than Zopfli.
- Stop ignoring the "X-Frame-Options" header in no-disallowed-headers,
since I stopped sending that header.
My site doesn't have any JS and aggressively uses CSS Containment
wherever possible, so recalculations aren't a significant performance
issue even when a user adds simple userstyles.
- Allow long CC durations in webhint
- WH warns when load time is within a whole second of the target
load-time, so bump it up a little.
- Add a comment to the build manifest
- Run webhint in parallel with other site checks, right after the
deployment finishes
- Fix webhint perf budget (it warns when within 0.5 sec so give it a
0.5 sec buffer)
- Throttle LH a bit more
- Replace achecker flags with a config file
- Bring back webhint
- Amend check-whole-site so that it will deploy to staging if all checks
pass, and then run webhint on every staging page.
- Add lint using local installation of the Nu HTML Validator and some
jq-based filtering of false positives
- Move linter configs to directory, to de-clutter the repo