2022-05-18 18:30:41 -07:00
{{ $displayCount := string .WordCount -}}
{{- if gt .WordCount 5000 -}}
{{- $thousands := string (div .WordCount 1000) -}}
{{- $displayCount = printf "%s thousand" $thousands -}}
2022-06-01 21:49:04 -07:00
{{- end -}}
2022-05-20 18:32:21 -07:00
< data itemprop = "wordCount" value = "{{ .WordCount }}" >
2022-06-01 21:49:04 -07:00
{{- $displayCount -}}
2022-05-18 18:30:41 -07:00
< / data > words
{{- with .ReadingTime -}}
{{- $displayTime := string . -}}
{{- if gt . 60 -}}
{{- $hours := div . 60 -}}
{{- $minutes := mod . 60 -}}
2022-05-30 15:49:31 -07:00
{{- $displayTime = (printf "%d  hour and %d" $hours $minutes) | safeHTML -}}
2022-05-18 18:30:41 -07:00
{{- end -}}
2022-06-04 16:43:18 -07:00
; a {{ if lt . 10 }}short {{ else if and (gt . 20) (lt . 30) }}somewhat long {{ else if and (gt . 29) (lt . 60) }}long {{ else if gt . 59 }} very long {{ end -}}
2022-05-30 15:49:31 -07:00
< time itemprop = "timeRequired" datetime = "PT{{ . }}M" > {{ $displayTime }}  minute< / time > read
2022-06-01 21:49:04 -07:00
{{- end -}}