2022-04-27 08:44:13 -07:00
< section aria-labelledby = "webmentions" >
< h2 id = "webmentions" > Webmen­ tions< / h2 >
< p > This site supports < a href = "https://indieweb.org/webmention" > Webmentions< / a > . Webmentions received for this post will appear below after I approve them. I sometimes send Webmentions to myself on behalf of linking sites that don't support them. Check the < a href = "https://web.archive.org/" > Wayback Machine< / a > if any links are broken.< / p >
< ul class = "unstyled-list" >
{{ $target := .RelPermalink -}}
{{ $url := printf "https://seirdy.one/webmentions/get?status=approved& target=https://seirdy.one%s" $target -}}
{{ $webmentions := getJSON $url -}}
{{ range $webmentions -}}
{{ $webmention := . -}}
{{ if (eq $webmention.type "like") -}}
2022-05-03 21:30:20 -07:00
< li itemprop = "potentialAction" itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/LikeAction" class = "u-like h-cite" >
2022-04-27 08:44:13 -07:00
{{- else -}}
2022-05-03 21:30:20 -07:00
< li itemprop = "comment" itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/Comment" class = "u-comment h-cite" >
2022-04-27 08:44:13 -07:00
{{- end }}
2022-05-03 21:30:20 -07:00
< p >
< time class = "dt-published" itemprop = "{{ if (eq $webmention.type " like " ) - } } startTime { { else } } datePublished { { end } } " datetime = "{{ dateFormat " 2006-01-02 15:04:05Z07:00 " $ webmention . created_at } } " title = "{{ dateFormat " 2006-01-02 15:04:05Z07:00 " $ webmention . created_at } } " > {{ dateFormat "2006-01-02" $webmention.created_at }}< / time >
< br >
{{ if (eq $webmention.type "like") -}}
{{ if $webmention.author_name -}}
< span itemprop = "agent" itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/Person" class = "h-card p-author vcard" > < span itemprop = "name" class = "p-name fn n" > {{ $webmention.author_name }}< / span > < / span >
{{ else if $webmention.title -}}
< span itemprop = "name" class = "p-name" > {{ $webmention.title -}}< / span >
{{ else -}}
{{ $webmention.source -}}
{{ end -}}
< a class = "u-url" href = "{{ $webmention.source }}" rel = "nofollow ugc" > liked< / a > this
{{ else -}}
< a class = "u-url" href = "{{ $webmention.source }}" rel = "nofollow ugc" >
< span itemprop = "name" class = "p-content p-name" >
{{ if $webmention.title -}}
{{ $webmention.title | truncate 200 -}}
{{ else -}}
{{- $webmention.source | strings.TrimPrefix "https://" | strings.TrimPrefix "www." | strings.TrimRight "/" | truncate 35 -}}
{{ end }}
< / span >
< / a >
{{- if $webmention.author_name }}
2022-04-27 08:44:13 -07:00
by < span itemprop = "author" itemscope itemtype = "https://schema.org/Person" class = "h-card p-author vcard" > < span itemprop = "name" class = "p-name fn n" > {{ $webmention.author_name }}< / span > < / span >
2022-05-03 21:30:20 -07:00
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
< / p >
< / li >
2022-04-27 08:44:13 -07:00
{{ else -}}
2022-05-03 21:30:20 -07:00
< li > < p > This post doesn't have any approved Webmentions yet.< / p > < / li >
2022-04-27 08:44:13 -07:00
{{- end }}
< / ul >
< p > < / p >
< / section >