For [CSS Naked Day](, I decided to do something a little different. I didn't want to actually disable my stylesheet: very long lines of small text aren't terribly accessible, and fingerprinting-averse readers of my Onion site may not wish to zoom in (I know for a fact that these people exist; I've spoken to them, and I don't like reducing my readers to numbers in an analytics dashboard).
Instead, I made CSS Naked Day participation opt-in with a new a query parameter to the URLs: Just add `?sandbox=broken` to the end of any URL on ``. This query parameter sets a maximally-restrictive Content-Security-Policy header, instructing your browser to block CSS, images, media, and more from loading. The only thing that the CSP will allow is submitting forms (Webmentions). See [my CSP Bug Reproduction page]({{<relref "/meta/csp-bug-reproduction/">}}) for other values you can give the `sandbox` parameter on `` and its Onion location.
This does not apply to mirrors of my site, such as the `` mirror.