# `TPM2_PolicySecret()` `TPM2_PolicySecret()` allows a caller to assert and prove knowledge of the `authValue` associated with some entity. The `authValue` affects the HMAC calculation for the affected session, so the command will fail if the caller does not know the `authValue`. The `tpmNonce` input strongly binds the command to the `policySession`. If the `Empty Buffer` is given as the `tpmNonce`, then the `TPM2_PolicySecret()` command could be altered to refer to any other policy on the same TPM if the object referred to by `authHandle` requires an HMAC or policy session, or any TPM otherwise. If a `policyTicket` is requested and output, that ticket can be used (up to its `expiration`), via `TPM2_PolicyTicket()`, to satisfy the same `TPM2_PolicySecret()` that produced the ticket. That is, a caller can get a ticket from a `TPM2_PolicySecret()` invocation that allows it to re-use the `authValue` proof many times prior to the ticket's expiration without having to actually prove the `authValue` again. For example, if the `authValue` is obtained from a password prompt and the password and `authValue` erased from memory as soon as the `TPM2_PolicySecret()` command is marshalled, then the caller can keep satisfying policies containing that `TPM2_PolicySecret()` by using `TPM2_PolicyTicket()` instead of `TPM2_PolicySecret()`. This is useful to avoid requiring repeated password prompts in a short time span. ## Inputs - `TPMI_DH_OBJECT authHandle` (handle to the entity whose `authValue` is to be proven) - `TPMI_SH_POLICY policySession` (handle to the session being extended) - `TPM2B_NONCE tpmNonce` (the policy nonce for the `policySession`) - `TPM2B_DIGEST cpHashA` (the command parameter hash of a single command to be authorized, or `Empty Buffer` to not so-limit the assertion) - `TPM2B_NONCE policyRef` (an opaque value of the caller's choosing, possibly the `Empty Buffer`, that is used to extend the `policySession`'s `policyDigest` along with the name of `authHandle`) - `INT32 expiration` (a positive or negative number of milliseconds which, if non-zero, sets an expiration for this assertion; if zero or positive then a `policyTicket` will not be output) ## Outputs - `TPM2B_TIMEOUT timeout` (implementation-specific indication of actual timeout for the session) - `TPMT_TK_AUTH policyTicket` ## References - [TCG TPM Library part 1: Architecture, section 19.7.12](https://trustedcomputinggroup.org/wp-content/uploads/TCG_TPM2_r1p59_Part1_Architecture_pub.pdf) - [TCG TPM Library part 1: Architecture, section 19.7.15](https://trustedcomputinggroup.org/wp-content/uploads/TCG_TPM2_r1p59_Part1_Architecture_pub.pdf) - [TCG TPM Library part 3: Commands, section 23.4](https://trustedcomputinggroup.org/wp-content/uploads/TCG_TPM2_r1p59_Part3_Commands_pub.pdf)