--- title: "Adblocking with a clear conscience" date: 2023-08-22T01:43:42-07:00 replyURI: "https://nzsocial.net/@tinfoilhat/110931692229194778" replyTitle: "do you pay to remove ads, or continue to view content while breaking the agreement with ad blocking" replyType: "SocialMediaPosting" replyAuthor: "tinfoilhat" replyAuthorURI: "https://nzsocial.net/@tinfoilhat" syndicatedCopies: - title: 'The Fediverse' url: 'https://pleroma.envs.net/notice/AYz2rpF6pH4G8dzWGO' - title: 'jstpst' url: 'https://www.jstpst.net/f/just_post/8640/adblocking-with-a-clear-conscience' - title: 'IndieNews' url: 'https://news.indieweb.org/en' --- [There is no such agreement on the web](https://seirdy.one/notes/2022/08/12/user-agents-set-the-terms/): - On the users's end, we don't have advance notice that a link destination will contain malware (such as ads). The page has already downloaded; the content is already on our device before we agreed to anything. We were handed the goods and only told they had a price after leaving the store. - On a site owner's end, Terms of Service should not a shield to enable discrimination. ToS that discriminate against marginalized groups have historically warranted civil disobedience and lawsuits ending in legal reform that outlawed such practices; why should ToS discriminating against neurodivergent users be any different? I have ADHD and overstimulation sensitivity. Requiring me to view ads is discriminatory. So yes, I would violate the fuck out of such a ToS with a clearer conscience than the site owners, and side with the plaintiffs should the site ever face an accessibility lawsuit.