/* Print stylesheet: hide stuff that we don't need. */
@media print {
	/* The triangle bullet on summary elements gives no actionable
	 * information on print. */
	summary {
		list-style: none;

	/* Hide screen-only content */
	/* Table of Contents is useless in print layouts without page numbers,
	 * which I haven't implemented yet */
	[href="#h1"], /* Skip link */
	[role="doc-backlink"], /* can't navigate back on print. */
	/* An un-opened summary inside an article has no use in print.
	 * Outside an article it's used in my webring list where it has some
	 * use, see below. */
	article summary,
  /* You can't navigate across the site in a printout. */
	/* splitting up sections with <hr> is unnecesary if those
	 * sections are removed */
	body > hr,
	main[itemprop] > article + hr,
	nav:not([itemprop="breadcrumb"]) a:not([rel="home"]) {
		display: none;

	[role="note"] p,
	[role="doc-tip"] p {
		margin: .25em 0;

/* Print: don't break up self-contained items. */
li {
	break-inside: avoid;