CSS_DIR = assets/css SRCFILES = layouts/**/*.html layouts/**/*.xml content/**/*.md $(CSS_DIR)/*.css static/*.svg assets/*.svg config.toml csv/* DEVSERVER_URL="http://localhost:1313/" DOMAIN = seirdy.one HUGO_BASEURL = "https://$(DOMAIN)/" HUGO_FLAGS = --gc --ignoreCache USER = deploy@$(DOMAIN) WWW_ROOT = /var/www/$(DOMAIN) GEMINI_ROOT = /srv/gemini/$(DOMAIN) WWW_RSYNC_DEST = $(USER):$(WWW_ROOT) GEMINI_RSYNC_DEST = $(USER):$(GEMINI_ROOT) OUTPUT_DIR = public RSYNCFLAGS += -rlcv --zc=zstd --zl=6 --skip-compress=gz/br/zst/png/webp/jpg/avif/jxl/mp4/mkv/webm/opus/mp3 # compression gets slow for extreme levels like the old "70109" ECT_LEVEL=9 VNU ?= vnu .PHONY: hugo hugo: $(SRCFILES) hugo -b $(HUGO_BASEURL) $(HUGO_FLAGS) -d $(OUTPUT_DIR) # .hintrc-local for linting local files # same as regular .hintrc but with a different connector. .hintrc-local: .hintrc jq --tab '.connector .name = "local" | del(.connector .options)' .hintrc-local .hintrc-devserver: .hintrc jq --tab '.extends = ["development"] | .hints["http-compression","https-only","ssllabs","sri"] = "off"' .hintrc-devserver .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DIR) .lighthouseci lighthouse-reports mentions.json .PHONY: lint-css lint-css: $(CSS_DIR)/*.css pnpm -s dlx stylelint --config linter-configs/stylelintrc.json --di --rd --rdd $(CSS_DIR)/*.css @#csslint --quiet $(CSS_DIR) .PHONY: lint-html lint-html: $(VNU) --stdout --format json --skip-non-html --also-check-svg $(OUTPUT_DIR) | jq --from-file linter-configs/vnu_filter.jq .PHONY: hint hint: hugo .hintrc-local hint --config .hintrc-local -f codeframe $(OUTPUT_DIR) rm .hintrc-local .PHONY: lint-local lint-local: lint-css lint-html # dev server, includes future and draft posts .PHONY: serve serve: hugo serve --disableLiveReload $(HUGO_FLAGS) -FwDb http://localhost:1313/ .PHONY: hint-devserver hint-devserver: .hintrc-devserver hint --config .hintrc-devserver -f codeframe $(DEVSERVER_URL) rm .hintrc-devserver .PHONY: check-links check-links: hugo lychee --verbose $(find public -type f -name '*.html' -o -name '*.gmi' -o -name '*.txt') content/posts/*.md content/posts/*.gmi .PHONY: test test: lint-css hint-devserver check-links gzip: sh scripts/compress.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR) gzip $(ECT_LEVEL) brotli: sh scripts/compress.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR) brotli compress: gzip brotli .PHONY: gzip brotli compress .PHONY: xhtmlize xhtmlize: sh scripts/xhtmlize.sh $(OUTPUT_DIR) # save webmentions to a file, don't send yet mentions.json: hugo # gather old version of the site # rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) --exclude '*.gz' --exclude '*.br' --exclude '*.png' --exclude-from .rsyncignore $(WWW_RSYNC_DEST)/ old static-webmentions -f mentions.json.unfiltered find # filter the webmentions a bit; jq offers more flexibility than config.toml jq '[ .[] | select(.Dest|test("https://(git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one/log/master|seirdy.one|web.archive.org|archive.is|en.wikipedia.org|matrix.to|([a-z]*.)?reddit.com|github.com)") | not) ]' mentions.json rm mentions.json.unfiltered .PHONY: deploy-html deploy-html: rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) --exclude 'gemini' --exclude '*.gmi' --exclude-from .rsyncignore $(OUTPUT_DIR)/ $(WWW_RSYNC_DEST) --delete .PHONY: deploy-gemini deploy-gemini: rsync $(RSYNCFLAGS) --exclude '*.html' --exclude '*.xml' --exclude '*.xhtml' --exclude '*.gz' --exclude '*.br' --exclude-from .rsyncignore $(OUTPUT_DIR)/gemini/ $(OUTPUT_DIR)/about $(OUTPUT_DIR)/posts $(OUTPUT_DIR)/publickey.* $(GEMINI_RSYNC_DEST)/ --delete .PHONY: deploy deploy: deploy-html deploy-gemini .PHONY: .prepare-deploy .prepare-deploy: @$(MAKE) clean @$(MAKE) hugo @$(MAKE) compress @$(MAKE) xhtmlize # deploy steps need to happen one at a time .PHONY: deploy-prod deploy-prod: .prepare-deploy @$(MAKE) deploy .PHONY: deploy-onion deploy-onion: @$(MAKE) WWW_ROOT=/var/www/seirdy.onion HUGO_BASEURL='http://wgq3bd2kqoybhstp77i3wrzbfnsyd27wt34psaja4grqiezqircorkyd.onion/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_onion deploy-prod # we only deploy html to the staging site .PHONY: deploy-staging deploy-staging: @$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='--gc' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging .prepare-deploy @$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='--gc' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging deploy-html # we can lint and compress in parallel if cores are available .PHONY: .lint-and-prepare-deploy .lint-and-prepare-deploy: @$(MAKE) clean @$(MAKE) hugo @$(MAKE) lint-local compress @$(MAKE) xhtmlize .PHONY: lint-and-deploy-staging lint-and-deploy-staging: @$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='--gc' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging .lint-and-prepare-deploy @$(MAKE) HUGO_FLAGS='--gc' DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one USER=deploy@seirdy.one OUTPUT_DIR=public_staging deploy-html .PHONY: deploy-envs deploy-envs: @$(MAKE) NO_STATIC=1 HUGO_FLAGS='--gc' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs .lint-and-prepare-deploy @$(MAKE) NO_STATIC=1 HUGO_FLAGS='--gc' USER=seirdy@envs.net WWW_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_html GEMINI_ROOT=/home/seirdy/public_gemini HUGO_BASEURL='https://envs.net/~seirdy/' OUTPUT_DIR=public_envs deploy