title: "Demise of DTDs"
date: 2022-06-08T00:13:46-07:00
replyURI: "https://web.archive.org/web/20220725170506/https://hackers.town/@theruran/108440475936938471"
replyTitle: "ever looked into writing your own DTD?"
replyType: "SocialMediaPosting"
replyAuthor: "theruran"
replyAuthorURI: "https://hackers.town/@theruran"
People have mostly moved on from DTDs. In HTML-land, they use the Living Standard; in XML land, they stick to boring existing parsing rules and use XML namespaces. In both, they use RDF vocabularies to describe RDF-based structured data.

I'm curious as to why you're interested in creating a new DTD. I think that unless you plan on creating a new SGML-based language, you're better served by namespaces.