	Some webrings require the sending of a "Referer" header,
	but my site has two non-canonical mirrors. Don't add those.
-->{{- $refPol := "no-referrer" -}}
{{- if eq site.BaseURL "https://seirdy.one/" -}}
	{{- $refPol = "strict-origin" -}}
{{- end -}}
<h2 id="webrings">Webrings</h2>
{{ $webringData := after 1 (getCSV "," "/csv/webrings.csv") -}}
<p>This site is part of {{ len $webringData }} <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webring">webrings</a>. A webring is a collection of sites in a circular doubly-linked list; each website links to the next and previous site in the list.</p>
{{- range $i, $r := $webringData }}
	{{- $webringName := index $r 0 }}
			<summary>{{- $webringName -}}</summary>
					<a href="{{- index $r 2 -}}">{{- $webringName }} webring home</a>
					<a href="{{- index $r 1 -}}" rel="nofollow ugc" referrerpolicy="{{ $refPol }}">Previous {{ $webringName }} site</a>
					<a href="{{- index $r 3 -}}" rel="nofollow ugc" referrerpolicy="{{ $refPol }}">Next {{ $webringName }} site</a>
{{- end -}}
<p>If you&rsquo;re part of a webring and would like me to join, just ask. I&rsquo;ll probably accept if joining only requires me to add hyperlinks to this page (no scripts, external content, or images), and if the ring doesn&rsquo;t seem to promote anything I find objectionable.</p>