baseURL = "" # just the default, I have mirrors languageCode = "en-us" title = "Seirdy's Home" enableInlineShortcodes = true enableGitInfo = true disableHugoGeneratorInject = true # I inject it explicitly at the BOTTOM of uglyurls = true pygmentsCodeFences = true pygmentsUseClasses = true disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] [params] description = "Seirdy's Home: personal website and blog for Rohan Kumar, A.K.A. Seirdy" src = "" canonicalBaseURL = "" # I have mirrors with different baseURLs webmentionEndpoint = "" logUrlPrefix = "" copyright = "Copyright © 2021 Rohan Kumar" dark = "auto" highlight = false [author] name = "Rohan Kumar" first = "Rohan" last = "Kumar" nick = "Seirdy" [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "posts" name = "Posts" title = "posts" url = "/posts.html" weight = 10 [[menu.main]] identifier = "bookmarks" name = "Bookmarks" title = "bookmarks" url = "/bookmarks.html" weight = 11 [[menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" title = "about" url = "/about.html" weight = 20 [[menu.main]] identifier = "resume" name = "Resume" title = "resume" url = "/resume.html" weight = 30 [[menu.main]] identifier = "rss" name = "RSS" title = "rss" url = "/posts/index.xml" weight = 40 [permalinks] posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:filename" [markup.goldmark.renderer] # Allows HTML in Markdown unsafe = true [markup.tableOfContents] ordered = true startLevel = 2 endLevel = 3 # lifted from [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."text/gemini"] suffixes = ["gmi"] [mediaTypes."application/manifest+json"] suffixes = ["webmanifest"] [outputFormats] [outputFormats.Gemini] name = "GEMTEXT" isPlainText = true isHTML = false mediaType = "text/gemini" protocol = "gemini://" permalinkable = true path = "gemini/" [outputFormats.GEMRSS] name = "GEMRSS" isHTML = false mediaType = "application/rss+xml" protocol = "gemini://" path = "gemini/" [outputs] section = ["HTML", "RSS", "GEMRSS"] # [webmentions] newDir = "public" oldDir = "old" webmentionsFile = "mentions.json" excludeSources = [ "/tags/*", # only trailing * are supported at the moment "/posts/*", # this only excludes /posts/index.html, not /posts/somepost/ "/", # same as "/index.html" ] # addresses that we don't want to send webmentions to # other schemes and stuff that I link to too often excludeDestinations = [ "mailto:", "gemini:", "", "", "", "", ] [imaging.exif] # Regexp matching the fields you want to Exclude from the (massive) set of Exif info # available. As we cache this info to disk, this is for performance and # disk space reasons more than anything. # If you want it all, put ".*" in this config setting. # Note that if neither this or ExcludeFields is set, Hugo will return a small # default set: GPS|Exif|Exposure[M|P|B]|Contrast|Resolution|Sharp|JPEG|Metering|Sensing|Saturation|ColorSpace|Flash|WhiteBalance includeFields = "" # Regexp matching the Exif fields you want to exclude. This may be easier to use # than IncludeFields above, depending on what you want. excludeFields = ".*" # don't minify html but minify other resources, esp the fulltext rss feed [minify] minifyOutput = true disableXML = false disableHTML = true