	For now, make the anchor link invisible to screen readers.
		1. The anchor would need an accessible name, but aria-labels don't
		   translate well with machine translation. It would need to be
			 labelledby another element hidden by CSS, which would crowd the
			 page for non-CSS users.
		2. Screen reader users don't depend on visually identifying heading
		   levels and can easily jump between headings without scrolling to
			 the table of contents, so these anchor links are slightly less
			 useful to them.
		3. These links don't expose new functionality, since users could
		   already copy heading anchor links in the TOC. This just makes some
			 existing functionality slightly more easily. So it's less of a big
	Yeah I know, the situation isn't optimal.
<h{{ .Level }} id="{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">{{ .Text | safeHTML }}
{{ if and (gt .Level 1) (eq .Page.Section "posts") -}}
	<a href="#{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">
		{{- $octothorpes := sub .Level 1 -}}
		{{- range $i, $sequence := (seq $octothorpes) -}}
		{{- print `#` -}}
		{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
</h{{ .Level }}>