--- image: alpine/edge packages: - rsync - zopfli # for max compression w/ gzip_static - brotli # for max compression w/ brotli_static, decompressing binaries - git # for Hugo's gitInfo - make - jq - npm # for testing with lighthouse and webhint - chromium # for testing with lighthouse and webhint environment: HINT_TELEMETRY: "off" sources: - https://git.sr.ht/~seirdy/seirdy.one secrets: - cc1eb90c-b07b-4c46-86d4-58fec41cf0e4 triggers: - action: email condition: always to: seirdy@seirdy.one tasks: - deps: | echo "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" >> ~/.ssh/config rsync deploy@seirdy.one:/home/deploy/binaries.tar.br . mkdir -p ~/bin brotli -dc binaries.tar.br | tar x -oC ~/bin cd seirdy.one npm i -D --no-fund # no-fund reduces log verbosity - build_deploy: | cd seirdy.one export PATH=~/bin:$PATH # don't spend as much time compressing for staging. make DOMAIN=staging.seirdy.one ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS=50 test-staging tar czf ~/lighthouse-reports.tar.gz lighthouse-reports make clean deploy cp mentions.json ~/mentions.json artifacts: - lighthouse-reports.tar.gz - mentions.json