{{- $isStandalone := false -}} {{- if and (ne .Permalink .Site.BaseURL) (ne .RelPermalink "/") -}} {{- $isStandalone = true -}} {{- end -}}
{{- if $isStandalone }}


{{- else }}


Here's a selection of my best posts. To see the rest, visit my Posts page.

{{- end }}

I edit some of these posts quite often; some are updated indefinitely. Check the "updated" timestamps.

Timestamp format: YYYY-MM-DD, as per RFC 3339 and ISO 8601

    {{- range where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections -}} {{- if or ($isStandalone) (.Params.featured) }}
  1. {{ if $isStandalone -}}

    {{ if $isStandalone -}}

    {{- else -}} {{- end }} Posted , updated

    {{ .Description }}

  2. {{- end }} {{- end }}