#!/bin/sh # # Script to fetch all approved webmentions from webmentiond as a big json response. # Uses POSIX and cURL in CI, also uses any pass/pash-compatible pwmngr otherwise # The response is cached for 90 minutes. If fetching fresh webmentions fails, fall back to the cached version for up to one day (1440 minutes). If cached webmentions are older than a day, error out. # no pipefail here since there are no pipes. set -e -u dirname="$(dirname "$0")" curl_wrapper="$dirname/curl-wrapper.sh" auth_url='https://collector.seirdy.one/webmentions/authenticate/access-key' webmentions_url='https://collector.seirdy.one/webmentions/manage/mentions?limit=9999&status=approved' webmentions_file="$dirname/../data/webmentions.json" stale_after_minutes=90 fallback_stale_after_minutes=1440 skip_check=0 times_run=0 check_cached_webmentions() { times_run="$((times_run + 1))" if [ "$skip_check" = 0 ]; then expires_in="$fallback_stale_after_minutes" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then expires_in="$1" fi exit_status=1 if [ -f "$webmentions_file" ]; then old_webmention_file="$(find "$webmentions_file" -mmin +"$expires_in")" if [ "$old_webmention_file" = "" ]; then echo 'Using cached webmentions' skip_check=1 exit_status=0 exit 0 fi return 1 fi if [ "$exit_status" = 1 ] && [ "$times_run" = 2 ]; then echo "Webmentions are outdated. failed to fetch for over a day." exit "$exit_status" fi fi } trap check_cached_webmentions EXIT # Grab my long-lived key (password). We will use this to authenticate. key() { set +u if [ -n "$JOB_URL" ]; then cat ~/.webmentiond-key else pash show webmentiond-ci-key fi set -u } # Fetch a short-lived access token from my webmention receiver. token() { key_response="$(key)" "$curl_wrapper" -sX POST "$auth_url" -d "key=$key_response" } # Verify that the webmentions file has downloaded succesfully by ensuring that it starts and ends with a given substring. # The total number of webmentions should be at least a 3-digit number. verify_webmentions() { grep -E '^\{"items":\[\{"id":".*,"total":[0-9]{3}([0-9]*)?\}$' "$webmentions_file.tmp" >/dev/null } # use the token to fetch all webmentions. fetch_webmentions() { echo 'Fetching webmentions' token_response="$(token)" || return 1 "$curl_wrapper" --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer $token_response" "$webmentions_url" -o "$webmentions_file.tmp" || return 1 if verify_webmentions; then mv "$webmentions_file.tmp" "$webmentions_file" else echo 'Error: webmentions failed to verify' exit 1 fi } # fetch webmentions if we don't have a fresh copy already. if [ -f "$webmentions_file" ]; then if ! check_cached_webmentions "$stale_after_minutes"; then fetch_webmentions fi else fetch_webmentions fi