{{ $name := (.Get "name") -}} {{- $opus := resources.GetMatch (printf "/a/%s.opus" $name) -}} {{- $mp3 := resources.GetMatch (printf "/a/%s.mp3" $name) -}} {{- $isTranscribed := false -}} {{- $download_url := "" -}} {{- /* preloading an in-page audio asset under 32 KiB is fine. */ -}} {{- $shouldPreload := lt (len $opus.Content) 32768 -}} <audio controls="" {{ with .Parent -}} {{ if eq .Name "transcribed-image" -}} {{- $isTranscribed = true -}} {{ with .Get "id" -}} aria-describedby="transcript-{{ . }}" {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{ if $shouldPreload -}} preload="auto" {{- end -}} > {{ with $opus -}} {{- $download_url = $opus.RelPermalink -}} {{ $opus_src := partial "cache-bust.html" . -}} <source src="{{ $opus_src.RelPermalink }}" type='audio/ogg; codecs="opus"' /> {{ end -}} {{ with $mp3 -}} {{- $download_url = $mp3.RelPermalink -}} {{ $mp3_src := partial "cache-bust.html" . -}} <source src="{{ $mp3_src.RelPermalink }}" type="audio/mpeg" /> <p role="note">Your browser does not support HTML5 audio.</p> {{ end -}} </audio> <a href="{{ $download_url }}" download="" {{ if $isTranscribed -}} itemprop="audio contentUrl" {{- end -}}>Download audio file <samp translate="no">{{ $name }}.mp3</samp></a> {{- /* Strip trailing newline: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/1753 */ -}}