--- date: 2021-07-10 title: "Meta: about this site" outputs: - html description: "About this site. How it's built, why it's built that way, privacy, accessibility, mirrors, etc." --- Other versions of this site --------------------------- This website's canonical location is on seirdy.one. This page also exists on the [tildeverse](https://tildeverse.org/), a bunch of \*nix computers that let people sign up for shell accounts. A typical shell account features clients for IRC and email, common terminal/commandline utilities, and (most importantly) web hosting. Read about the tildeverse's [origins](https://web.archive.org/web/20180917091804/https://medium.com/message/tilde-club-i-had-a-couple-drinks-and-woke-up-with-1-000-nerds-a8904f0a2ebf), read [the FAQ](https://tilde.club/wiki/faq.html), pick [a tilde](https://tilde.club/%7Epfhawkins/othertildes.html) and [get started](https://tilde.club/~anthonydpaul/primer.html). My Tildeverse pages will serve as a "rough draft". Content on this site also appears on my Gemini capsule. My Web and Gemini content may be slightly different: I often phrase things differently to accommodate the strengths and weaknesses of each medium. I have a [Tor hidden Web service](http://wgq3bd2kqoybhstp77i3wrzbfnsyd27wt34psaja4grqiezqircorkyd.onion/ "{rel='alternate' class='u-syndication'}") which mirrors this site's contents, except for the fact that it replaces some SVGs with PNGs. Featured in directories ----------------------- This site is featured in some cool directories. ### Website minimalism - [10 KB Club](https://10kbclub.com/) - [no-JS Club](https://no-js.club/) - [XHTML Club](https://xhtml.club/) - [Hyperlinked Text](https://sjmulder.nl/en/textonly.html) ### Other directories - [Indieweb Webring Directory](https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/directory) - [Writer's Lane, Nightfall City](https://nightfall.city/writers-lane/) - [Just Another Useless Page](https://www.geocities.ws/jaup/jaup.htm) - [Webrings Fanlisting](https://fanlistings.nickifaulk.com/webrings/) - [Yesterlinks](https://links.yesterweb.org/) - [Gossip's Web](https://gossipsweb.net/personal-websites) - [Nixers](https://github.com/nixers-projects/sites/wiki/List-of-nixers.net-user-sites) - [Smooth Sailing](https://smoothsailing.asclaria.org/)
Pending directories - [Nerd Listings](https://nerdlistings.info/category/personalsites/) (pending) - [Ye Olde Blogroll](https://blogroll.org/) (pending) - [LinkLane](https://www.linklane.net/) (pending) - [Blog Surf](https://blogsurf.io/) (pending)