{{- $footnote_heading :=  printf "Footnotes" -}}
{{- if .Params.footnote_heading -}}
	{{- $footnote_heading =  .Params.footnote_heading -}}
{{- end -}}

	Add heading to footnotes, remove unused class.
	Requires Goldmark v1.4.12 or higher, since that version switched
	endnotes from a <section> to a <div>. This switches them back to a section,
	since doc-endnotes inherits a <section> role.
{{- $referencesWithoutHeading    := `(<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<hr />)` -}}
{{- $referencesWithHeading := printf `<hr />
<section role="doc-endnotes" aria-labelledby="note-hd">
<h2 id="note-hd">%s</h2>` ($footnote_heading) -}}

{{- $endnotesClosingDiv := `</a></p>
</div>` -}}

{{- $endnotesClosingSection := printf `</a></p>
</section>` -}}

	Sometimes I want multiple described terms for a set of descriptions
	in a description list
{{- $combinedTerm := `<dt([^>]*)?>(.*) OR (.*)</dt>` -}}
{{- $splitTerm := `<dt$1>$2</dt><dt>$3</dt>` -}}

	Descriptive footnote link names, remove unused class, put
	backlink id in <a> since <a> is focusable, remove unused class.
{{- $badNoteRef := `<sup id="fnref([0-9\:]*)"><a( [^>]*)class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">([0-9]*)</a>` -}}
{{- $goodNoteRef := `<sup><a${2}id="fnref${1}" role="doc-noteref">note&#160;${3}</a>` -}}

<!--Move the Table of Contents heading *inside* the <nav> element-->
{{- $tocHeadingOutside := `<h2>Table of Contents</h2><nav(?:.*)>` -}}
{{- $tocHeadingInside := `<nav id="TableOfContents" role="doc-toc" aria-labelledby="toc-hd" tabindex="-1">
	<h2 id="toc-hd">Table of Contents</h2>` -}}

	Give footnote backlinks accessible names.
	The backlinks should be located *outside* the footnote paragraphs.
{{- $footnoteBacklinksBad  :=  ` ?<a href="#fnref:([0-9]*)" class="footnote-backref"(.*role="doc-backlink"(?:[^>]*)?)>([^<]*)</a></p>` -}}
{{- $footnoteBacklinksGood :=  `</p><a href="#fnref:${1}" aria-labelledby="bl1-${1} bl2-${1}"${2}><span id="bl1-${1}">Back</span><span id="bl2-${1}" hidden=""> to reference ${1}</span></a>` -}}

	If two backlinks exist, give them different names.
	I currently don't have any triple backlinks; if I ever do, I'll implement this properly with a loop.
{{- $repeatedFootnoteBacklinksBad  :=  ` ?<a href="#fnref([0-9]):([0-9]*)"(.*role="doc-backlink"(?:[^>]*)?)>([^<]*)<a></p>` -}}
		{{- $repeatedFootnoteBacklinksGood :=  `</p><a href="#fnref${1}:${2}" aria-labelledby="bl1-${2}-2 bl2-${2}-2"${3}><span id="bl1-${2}-2">Back</span><span id="bl2-${2}-2" hidden=""> to reference ${2}, instance 2</span></a>` -}}

<!--Make endnotes focusable by ATs. Necessary for VoiceOver compatibility.-->
{{- $endNotesNotFocusable := `<li id="fn:([0-9]*)">` -}}
{{- $endNotesFocusable := `<li id="fn:${1}" tabindex="-1">` -}}

<!--Since language-figure doesn't seem to work for some reason just use regex to replace it-->
{{- $extraLanguageFigure := `<pre><(code|samp) class="language-figure">` -}}
{{- $replacedLanguageFigure := `<pre tabindex="0"><${1} translate="no" itemprop="text">` -}}

{{- .Content | replaceRE $referencesWithoutHeading $referencesWithHeading | replaceRE $badNoteRef $goodNoteRef | replaceRE $endnotesClosingDiv $endnotesClosingSection | replaceRE $combinedTerm $splitTerm | replaceRE $tocHeadingOutside $tocHeadingInside | replaceRE $footnoteBacklinksBad $footnoteBacklinksGood | replaceRE $repeatedFootnoteBacklinksBad $repeatedFootnoteBacklinksGood | replaceRE $endNotesNotFocusable $endNotesFocusable | replaceRE $extraLanguageFigure $replacedLanguageFigure | replaceRE `\&rsquo;` `’` | replaceRE `\&nbsp;` `&#160;` | replaceRE `\&ldquo;` `“` | replaceRE `\&rdquo;` `”` | replaceRE `\&hellip;` `…` | replaceRE `\&mdash;` `—` | replaceRE `\&shy;` `&#173;` | replaceRE `&lsquo;` `‘`| safeHTML -}}