#!/bin/sh # Ensure that we can connect to seirdy.one, and print the ipv4/ipv6 addresses used. The latter makes searching through my server logs easier. # Return a bad exit code if we can't connect over either ipv4 or ipv6. # no pipefail here since there are no pipes. set -e -u echo "running connecivity check" ipv6_success=1 ipv4_success=1 curl_wrapper="$(dirname "$0")/curl-wrapper.sh" "$curl_wrapper" -6 'https://seirdy.one/ip' || ipv6_success=0 echo "$curl_wrapper" -4 'https://seirdy.one/ip' || ipv4_success=0 echo if [ "$ipv6_success" = 0 ] && [ "$ipv4_success" = 0 ]; then echo "Failed to connect" exit 1 fi