diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index bda5959..b0e4611 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -55,17 +55,18 @@ To lint: - A very recent build of the W3C's [Nu HTML checker](https://github.com/validator/validator) to validate the HTML and XHTML, available on your `$PATH` as `vnu`. I have a very simple shell-script wrapper for this that invokes `java -jar`. - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), to filter false-positives from the Nu HTML checker and to verify that JSON files parse. - [HTMLProofer](https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer), version 5 or later. Requires Ruby. +- W3C feed validator (requires Python) More in-depth local tests: - Axe-Core, using the CLI and a headless browser (Firefox or Chromium). -- IBM Equal Access Checker, using the CLI and a headless Chromium. Runs on a patched version of the site with a modified stylesheet due to a bug (reported upstream). +- IBM Equal Access Checker, using the CLI and a headless Chromium. Runs on a patched version of the site with all instances of `content-visibility` removed from the stylesheet. I do this to work around [a false-positive, reported upstream](https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access/issues/1008). Remote tests: +- WebHint (normally run on every page in my sitemap) - Lighthouse -- WebHint (might not pass; only informative) -- Feed validator (requires Python) +- redbot ## Build instructions